dress code

North Korea has a dress code. Jeans are forbidden because they are labeled as a symbol of capitalism. Clothing with any connotation of being inspired by the West or capitalism is forbidden, including clothing printed with English and bell bottom pants. Enforcers who see people wearing forbidden clothing publicly destroy it by cutting or burning it.

The  regime dictates how long men's hair may be to within four centimeters. State television campaigns (some using hidden cameras) have broadcast and doxed non-conforming men to enforce conformance by ostracization.

This illustration is based on defector Seyah Hong’s story (video below). In Hong’s youth, bell bottom pants were smuggled in from China. Despite being illicit, they were fashionable among the more privileged class. One day, Hong went to school in bell bottom pants. When word got out that she wore them, many other girls began wearing them too. To set an example and stop the transgressions, the school authorities grabbed her at the school’s entrance and cut her long hair and pants.

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